The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC) unveiled their America at 250 "Quarter Millennial Project" today.
In keeping with their founding ethos of applying the lessons of history to the challenges of today, CSPC is embarking on a 2-year project to examine the roots of America’s success, highlight unsung heroes of our country's history, and generate excitement around the 250th anniversary. Through events, digital content, and publications, CSPC will examine two key features of the nation’s evolution, innovation and democratic resilience, to help explain America’s path to success over the last 250 years.
Click here to read more about the project and to visit CSPC's innovation timeline and Life in 1776 Modules.
During 2023 and 2024, Directors awarded six grants in celebration of the upcoming anniversary to the University of Virginia, Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, The Jewish Museum, the Alexander Hamilton Society, the American Philosophical Society, and Teachers College, Columbia University. Total giving for this initiative will be $2M.